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Friday, February 18, 2011

My All Expense Paid Vacation to Guatemala

There is a relatively new program the Army offers ROTC Cadets called CULP (Cultural Understanding and Language Proficiency). This program allows cadets to apply for a month-long summer program to work with a foreign military organization, take a langague course or participate in an humanitarian project in a developing country. Participating cadets develop culture awareness skills and appreciation of cultural differences while recognizing potential cultural impact on assigned missions. The program's objective is to create army officers who are more experienced in dealing with foreign cultures.

I was fortunate enough to be selected to participate in a humanitarian project this summer in Guatemala. Other teams go to destinations in Africa, E. Europe, Asia and Central America. Teams are organized into groups of around 30 cadets who plan their mission, travel to their assigned country and work together on a project. The Army pays for the entire program and even provides a modest wage for the month.

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